Best 인기글 (실시간)
Try to enjoy rice cake soup with green laver.
2025.01.15 15:07
조회 37추천 1스크랩 0
To regain my appetite I lost because of the flu, I made rice cake soup with green laver. Green lavers are nutritious seeweed. I put a mushroom and an egg in it. This rice cake soup is not salty and tastes light and clean. I hope this soup will make my appetite better.
regain 되찾다
green laver/ green algae
nutritious 영양이 풍부한
seeweed 해조류
독감으로 잃어버린 입맛을 되찾고자 영양분이 풍부한 해조류인 파래를 넣어 떡국을 끓여 봤어요. 버섯과 달걀을 넣어 끓였는데 맛이 짜지 않고 담백 깔끔해요
작성자 Honest Selfless Joseph
신고글 Try to enjoy rice cake soup with green laver.
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