Best 인기글 (실시간)
I took a walk in the mountain behind the office after lunch today...^^
2025.02.03 21:03
조회 32추천 1스크랩 0
I took a walk in the mountain behind the office after lunch today...^^
It was very cold because the wind was strong at the top of the mountain and the north...
It was warm in the south and east of the mountain because it was not windy and the sun was nice
Snow was also flying peacefully in the sky in the southern part of the mountain
The north wind in winter is really cold....
wind 바람
strong 강한
cold 추운
north wind (northly wind) 북풍
저는 오늘 점심 식사 후 회사 뒷산을 산책했네요...^^
산의 정상과 북쪽은 바람이 강해서 무척 추웠는데요...
산의 남쪽과 동쪽은 바람이 불지 않고 햇볕이 좋아서 따뜻했네요...ㅎ
산 남쪽에서는 눈도 평화롭게 하늘을 날고 있었네요~~~ㅋ
겨울의 북풍은 정말 추워요....
작성자 바다사랑태양
신고글 I took a walk in the mountain behind the office after lunch today...^^
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