Breakfast is simple with sweet pumpkin tea, boiled sweet potatoes, boiled eggs and milk
2025.02.05 11:07
조회 13추천 0스크랩 0
Catching the sun that lights up the world purified by pure white eyes...
After walking to work~~~~~
Breakfast is simple with sweet pumpkin tea, boiled sweet potatoes, boiled eggs and milk
Have a day full of good things everyone~~^^
sweet pumpkin tea 단호박차
sweet potatoes 고구마
go to work 출근
순백의 눈으로 정화된 세상을 밝혀주는 태양을 잡으며...
걸어서 출근한 후~~~
아침 밥은 간단하게 단호박차, 삶은 고구마, 삶은 달걀 그리고 우유로 해결~~~
모두 모두 좋은 일만 가득한 하루 되세요~~~^^
작성자 바다사랑태양
신고글 Breakfast is simple with sweet pumpkin tea, boiled sweet potatoes, boiled eggs and milk
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